

塔纳尔学校是建立在丰富学生个人生活的基础上的. We offer a nurturing, supportive environment full of dynamic educational experiences. 儿童早期 ensures that each student develops key social skills, 比如分享和合作, 同时在语言方面打下学术基础, 读写能力, 数字, Music, 和技术. Our primary goal is to build lifelong learners who are unafraid to take risks, 对周围环境进行实验, 引导他们的发现, 并与周围的世界互动.


热博rb88体育幼儿部负责人Adrienne Meade的3个有趣的事实

在我接受教育之前,我是一名专业演员! I toured and visited schools to perform adaptations of Shakespearean plays.

我喜欢动物. 我对老狗特别有好感.

One of my favorite ways to relax is doing jigsaw puzzles with my family.


我们的团队经验丰富的幼儿教育工作者知道,高质量的体验为社交奠定了基础, 情感, 以及以后的学业成就. Our staff is committed to providing optimal learning experiences every day. 他们认识到每个孩子的独特优势,并提供定期的个人成长机会,同时通过我们广阔的教室和全国公认的户外空间培养自信的学习者.

With the resources of the entire 热博rb88体育 community at their fingertips, 我们的幼儿学生受益于丰富, engaging curriculum that promotes boundless 探索 and increased self-reliance.