Tuition & Affordability

Tuition & Affordability

2024 - 2025 Tuition and Fees

2s and 3s, 3 half-days$7,650
2s and 3s, 5 half-days$13,600
2s and 3s, 3 full-days$11,000
2s and 3s, 5 full-days$17,000
PK4, 5 half-days$16,800
PK4, 5 full-days$21,000
Grades 1-5$28,100
Grade 6$29,500
Grades 7-8$32,700
Grades 9-12$35,500

Individualized Family Tuition Program

塔纳尔学校致力于为有才华和有前途的学生提供通往非凡经历的途径. Families of all backgrounds are invited to explore 热博rb88体育, 相信学校有足够的资源和承诺,让来自不同背景的家庭都能接触到学校的课程. The school charges a range of tuition based on a family's circumstances. We call this our Individualized Family Tuition Program.

Every family is expected to contribute to the cost of tuition and fees, thereby supporting the community to the extent family circumstances permit. 在我们的家庭中,有一些人能够负担得起排名靠前的学费,他们的慈善慷慨对学校的年度运营支出至关重要. 也有一些家庭只有做出重大牺牲才能支付最高水平的学费, those who are able to afford only minimal tuition, and those across the spectrum in between. 

入学申请和个人家庭学费申请是分开考虑的, but they are meant to be completed at the same time. The priority deadline for both applications is December 1. 在第一轮决定之后提交的任何新申请都将以滚动方式考虑, as room in the class and remaining Individualized Family Tuition funds allow. 个人家庭学费申请是一份申请,包括学校所有的资助可能性. 

帮助我们客观地评估一个家庭能够负担多少教育费用, The 热博rb88体育 School partners with Clarity, a trusted third party, to analyze a family's financial profile. 塔纳尔的个性化家庭学费不考虑性别, race, religion, or ethnicity. 

支付私立学校的学费可能会让人望而生畏,但不要害怕:我们在这里帮助你. 为了清楚地了解如果你的学生就读,你的家庭可能要支付的学费水平, please complete the Individualized Family Tuition Inquiry by clicking here

请注意,每个级别的奖学金数量都是有限的. 虽然你的家庭可能有资格获得一定程度的援助,但资金取决于可用性.

Individualized Family Tuition Application

The 热博rb88体育 School is proud to use the Clarity Application 根据家庭在申请中分享的信息来确定家庭的经济需求水平, which includes assets, income, expenses, and debts. 该应用程序通常需要不到30分钟的时间来完成,并且对移动设备友好.

To get started, please go to the Clarity Application and create an account.

塔纳尔的个性化家庭学费是基于证明的经济需求,而不考虑性别, race, religion, or ethnicity.

Prospective Families

Prospective families should complete an application through Clarity 在录取过程中,以便考虑参加个性化家庭学费计划. Our priority deadline is December 1 of each year. The majority of enrollment and tuition decisions are made in January and February; however, 在此之后,我们会以滚动方式考虑财务和入学申请.


Current Families

Returning families should complete an application through Clarity by January 5 each academic year.

Complete a Clarity application

Merit Awards

The 热博rb88体育 School is dedicated to having the most talented, dynamic, and diverse students, and we offer generous merit awards. 这些竞争性补助金是基于过去的学习成绩和在塔特纳尔取得优异成绩的潜力, not financial need.

优异奖为塔特尔大学一些最有才华的学生提供经济资助. These grants are awarded automatically to select qualified recipients, and they will be notified at the same time as their admission decision. Students cannot appeal their merit award decisions, and 热博rb88体育 does not match award offers from other institutions.

Eligibility for New FamiliesEligibility for Current Families
To be considered for a merit award, 申请9-10年级的学生必须在12月1日的提前行动截止日期之前提交ISEE/ SSAT或ERB成绩. 这些优异奖的其他申请要求如下.

Students cannot appeal their merit award decisions. 热博rb88体育 does not match award offers from other institutions.

热博rb88体育在读学生有机会在12月1日之前申请优异奖. Requirements can be found below.


Payment Options

我们提供了几种选择,让家庭在确定最能满足他们需求的付款计划方面具有灵活性. Payment plans are managed by FACTS Management.